This week has been Vacation Bible School week at my church. Draining yet wonderful at the same time. I have been assigned to helping the second graders. Energetic is the one word I would use to describe each one of these children. The theme has been trusting in God. Following Him and putting all your faith in Him. Trusting Him in all situations. In one of the sessions, the children watch clips of the Jesus film.
One little seven year old girl from Nepal named Soniya got her finger smashed in the door. I have never seen so many tears, she was in a lot of pain, and her tiny finger was bleeding and would not bend. Without hesitation, I grabbed her in my arms and told her I would go get some ice to place on her finger, to which she responded " I don't want ice. I want to go watch the Jesus film. I saw Jesus make a man see, and calm a storm. He will make me better to, I know."
Three hours earlier I was sitting in a doctor's office! Everything that we have spent this week teaching all of the children, was now being tested. How could I look into this little girls beautiful, curious eyes and tell her that, yes, she should place her trust in Jesus, the healer of all, yet rely on a band-aid when it came to her finger in this very moment.
Faith like a child.
Soniya had so much confidence that going to watch Jesus in that movie would heal her. She did not complicate it, or diminish it. Jesus heals, He will heal me. Simple as that for a seven year old.
Why shouldn't it be that simple though? Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Yes, medicines and hospitals exist now but that does not change the fact that He is still a healer. Why is He always our last resort, instead of our first. Food for thought.
To end the story, we did put a band-aid on her finger, and we prayed for her. When she heard the word "Amen" Soniya had the biggest smile on her face and exclaimed "YOU KNOW HOW TO SPEAK NEPALESE!!"
I don't know who is learning more this week, me, or Soniya
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