Cop Car.

If you've never heard mine and Emily's story then you've probably not spent much time with me.
Like she's my right hand woman.
When we were in college, our friend was having a birthday the next day. We were trying to decide how we should honor her.
Emily quickly came up with the brilliant idea of getting colorful cards and writing encouraging things and Bible verses on them to decorate her front door with, as well as getting her a bouquet of flowers. We decided we would do this late at night, so that the next morning she could open the door and find it.
Close to midnight we drove to her apartment and began to tape the notes to her door. She heard a noise and peeked out the window.
Within 5 minutes two cop cars pulled up. She had called the police. We explained what we were doing. The cop knocked on her door, she came out, he shined his flashlight on Emily and I to ask if she recognized us...and in that moment the only thing we chose to say was "Happy Birthday"
It was super embarrassing.
Our motive was pure but the cop sure did make us feel guilty as he talked to us.
Part of me gets it, now, after the fact, from his view point. I get the severity of what could have been.
Yet right after the cops left, we all just went in her apartment and nearly peed ourselves laughing.
I've been reading in the book of Colossians a lot lately. And one of my favorite verses and anthem for the past few weeks has been Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men."
I just love that verse.
People will fall short, hands down, it's gonna happen, everyday, twice on Sunday.
Not many people are going to notice the little things that you do, and they shouldn't have to.
You don't need their feedback.
People will question your motives.
But at the end of the day, if you have worked and aimed to please God, you can't fail.
That was part of the reason we felt free to just laugh about the situation.
 because we knew we were not trying to do something wrong. And many times that has to be enough.
Work heartily as for the Lord.
Does it mean you will master it? no way.
Does it mean you will fail at times? of course.
But try.
To fall is not to fail. You fail when you don't try.
