Joan of Arc and Esther.

It was around this time, last year, that I was busy working on my Senior Thesis.
I chose to write a paper and deliver a presentation on Joan of Arc.

She is arguably one of my favorite historical people.
I knitted her story with the idea of voices.
She listened to the voice of the Lord.
The king of France listened to her voice by putting her in the army at a time where women had no rank.
The king of England listened to his own voice.
And the court declared that the voices were of the devil.
So much research was put into this.
I feel like I know her personally.
She was so convinced that the voices she heard to deliver the people of France was from the Lord that she was burnt alive for that belief.
The way that they positioned the wood caused her to burn slower in fact.
She was only nineteen years old. The English broke her. Put her through trials, mentally and physically destroyed her.
In order for all the torture to stop, all she had to do was sign a paper saying that the voices were from the devil.
At her lowest point she signed them.
Yet retracted that statement after a few days of not being questioned.
One interesting fact is that no one knows what Joan of Arc looked like. Because of this, each picture and statue of her have differences.
One scholar said that she was uneducated and knew a total of three Bible verses when she first heard voices.
To follow what you feel as a voice from the Lord and hardly know anything about Him takes a lot of courage.
I know so much about God and yet if I was put through all that she was, I don't think I would handle it with such strength and dignity. 
I have been going through the book of Esther lately, and like Joan she is a bold woman.
God promises us that we will face hardships and persecutions,
my prayer is that I will hold tightly to the truths that I know in those moments.
How easy it would have been for Joan to sign those papers.
How easy it would have been for Esther to have remained quiet.
"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to the royal position for such a time as this." Esther 4:14
Deliverance will arise from another place...
God can use anyone. His plan will come into fruition.
It is my privilege that He has chosen me to be a part of it.
Oh that I may honor Him in this.
Joan died with only her faith and clinging to it at that...what an example of a full and rich life.
