Valentines Day.

Last year, Three other girls and I decided that we were going to go watch Nicholas Sparks' Safe Haven on Valentines day together. Four single girls going to watch a romantic movie together on Valentines day already looks sad to most people. We even got the tickets in advance.
When we arrived at the theater, we were informed that the theater was packed and that four seats together was going to be impossible. We were given the choice of coming on another night or sitting separately.
I got out of my pajamas and brushed my hair for this. I wasn't leaving until I saw the movie. Without any hesitation all four of us exclaimed that we would sit alone. The usher couldn't help but smirk. Single women problems.
I sat towards the front, with a couple to my left and a couple to my right. The only thing that could have topped that night would have been wearing a shirt that said "Single."
Circumstances considering, it was a great night. We laughed, we sang, we ate and got to see a movie that I had read the book to, twice. The three girls that I went with hold such high positions in my heart that I couldn't imagine better company to spend the evening with. Emily even offered to work my shift in order to make this night happen. It was bliss.
But let's be honest, valentines day can be a hard holiday for people. Especially single girls.
(side note: Why is it even a holiday? It's just a way for sellers to make money.)
I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a slight sting on this day, but all in all it doesn't bother me too much. I love chocolate and this day generally justifies my consumption of it, it's a complete win in my book.
One of my New Year's resolutions this year, and I use that term loosely because I really don't make resolutions and follow them well, is to pray fervently for my future husband.
Some people are called to singleness and props to them for that. I may be. Who knows. However, I do not think that God would place a desire for marriage on my heart if it wasn't meant to come into fruition. So for now, I will scream that I am not called to singleness which compels me to be in prayer for my future husband.
And that is exactly what the month of February is dedicated to. Everyday I spend time on my knees for this boy. I have no clue who he is. It's almost like finding Waldo! But I don't have to know who he is in order to pray for his heart to be madly in love with God's heart. For his family relationships to be intact. His fears to be laid down at the cross. His humility to be contagious. And so much more.
My desire is that when I finally meet him, I can proclaim with boldness that indeed, I have been praying for him. More than he could ever know. And that he will have felt the prayer in return.
