Athlete of the year.

It's no secret that I am probably the least competitive/athletic person that I know of when it comes to sports.
Like I was picked last for dodge ball. Every. Single.Time.
I was placed in right field for softball.
Warmed the bench for basketball. I'm talking I get winded in Horse.
And dare I even talk about the dreaded timed mile. Let's just say, I completed it.
All this, made for picking a fitness elective in college quite difficult.
After endless nights of breaking out into cold sweats...I made a decision.
Day one came and luck would have it, I was paired with the most competitive girl in the class.
Ohh joy.
God's sense of humor. Gotta love it!
If I didn't run for the birdie, one would have thought I had just lost the Olympic gold by her comments.
Every morning she would beg the coach to give her a new partner.
I stood right next to her as she begged.
It didn't bother me much. I was all for it as well.
Alas, we got to play in teams of four.
Praise Him!
Lest you think, I developed huge insecurities from this class....I loved this class.
I made lifelong friendships in it.
And to this day, I have a sweet spot for Badminton.
In the evenings, I would get together with one of the girls and just play....for the fun of it!
One thing that I learned through this competitive girl was that she was very faithful with the small things.
Let's be real, this was an elective class, all you needed to do was show up to truly pass.
Yet she played with her entire heart.
I didn't really get to know her, but that much was enough to show me that she holds herself above reproach.
If she was not willing to just cruise through a fitness elective, then I'm willing to assume that her daily walk with the Lord was taken just as seriously, if not more so.
Luke 16:10 assures us that "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with very much."
All this to say...
My only goal is to be faithful with the little things, the small things, the things I would deem mundane.
Like asking the cashiers how they are doing. Thanking the man that shovels the snow from the entrance of my apartment building. And so many more things.
Not competitive, but faithful. I fear that line will get blurry along the way. My prayer is that it doesn't.
I feel like a lot falls under this umbrella, and I'm excited to see the areas I will be convicted and grow in this year.
My walk with the Lord, is like a sport. It doesn't come naturally or easy. I have to train, daily. And press hard into grace.
So I may never be the athlete of the year.
But if I can fulfill this one goal for 2015, I will feel more than accomplished.
The same feeling you get when winning Olympic gold, I'm sure.
